Member Spotlight - Sophia
Meet our featured member Sophia Scott. There is no better example of consistency and dedication than Sophia, who currently holds the record for most Pilates classes attended in a single year at Epiphany Pilates. She is a true inspiration to our entire community with her warm and friendly spirit, beautiful form, and consistent dedication to her Pilates practice, especially to the Tower class.
What is your favorite Pilates exercise?
Choosing a favorite Pilates exercise is difficult, but lately I have really started to enjoy “Coordination” and the variations on this exercise that we perform on the Reformer and Tower. For the longest time, my lower back would revolt when I tried to lower my extended legs from a 90 degree position. I now feel proud of the fact that the strength in my core allows me to perform and actually finish the full “Coordination” routine.
How long have you practiced Pilates and how did you first discover Pilates?
I have been practicing Pilates at Epiphany Pilates one and a half years. I started classes on the first day that Epiphany opened its door in its new Fairfax location. My discovery of Pilates coincided with my discovery that Epiphany Pilates was opening in Fairfax. Epiphany Pilates had a booth at the Fairfax Fall Festival in 2017, which was presided over by our wonderful Mary Kubisch. We struck up a conversation and in a blink of an eye, I decided to become a member. It was a wonderful decision made instantaneously.
What initially drew you to Epiphany Pilates?
Quite frankly it was Mary Kubisch’s calm and inviting manner, and her assurance that a Pilates practice was ideal for what ailed me. The fact that Epiphany was a woman-owned business was also a draw.
How has Pilates changed your life?
Prior to beginning the practice of Pilates, I experienced chronic low back pain, had ridiculously tight hamstrings and had no core strength. Currently, I am pain free. I can fully extend my knees and perform the Tower exercises without modifications and best of all, I can keep up or even outpace the youngsters in the family during hikes with the dogs and granddaughter.
What do you enjoy most about being a part of the Epiphany Pilates community?
What I enjoy most about the Epiphany community is the wonderful camaraderie that has developed between my fellow Pilates practitioners and the wonderful teachers. We sweat, we laugh, we occasionally groan, and together we get stronger and more flexible week by week.
What piece of advice would you give to someone who wants to try Pilates for the first time?
My advice to newcomers or to anyone contemplating beginning the practice of Pilates is: come to class often, and be patient with yourself. Strength and proficiency will slowly but surely develop, and your body will be changed forever.
Member Spotlight
- June and Hannah
Meet our featured members, a dynamo mother-daughter duo, June and Hannah. They are a true inspiration to our entire community with their infectious smiles, warm spirit and consistent dedication to their mindful movement practice together.
What is your favorite Pilates exercise?
We enjoy both the Suspension and Pilates Mat exercises.
How long have you practiced Pilates and how did you first discover Pilates?
We started in June 2018. Hannah used to do gymnastics but decided to try another sport. We were looking for something we could do together. I never exercise and Hannah is athletic. It was very hard to find the right choice for both of us. I checked the list of courses in the community center and Googled gyms near my house. Epiphany Pilates caught my eye and I thought it would be perfect for us.
What initially drew you to Epiphany Pilates?
The location is perfect for us. At first, I was concerned that Hannah would be too young to join the class. I really thank Eurona for letting her join the classes despite her age. We love it!
How has Pilates changed your life?
Pilates has strengthened our abs, enhanced our body alignment, stretched our bodies, and helped to relieve stress. Most of all, Pilates has become a way to have fun with my daughter.
What do you enjoy most about being a part of the Epiphany Pilates community?
Eurona and the other instructors are very friendly. They keep members motivatived and make the workouts fun.
What piece of advice would you give to someone who wants to try Pilates for the first time?
Do not hesitate - just take one or two classes and you will want to come back. I recommend trying different classes for the first two weeks, then you will find the right fit for you. That’s what we did and it worked for us.
Member Spotlight -
Meet our featured member Marta Guzman. Marta joined Epiphany Pilates at the very beginning of 2018; and, her beautiful spirit and memoriable expressions quickly filled the studio with joy. We love her enthusiam, determination, and commitment to her Pilates practice. Marta and her awesome plank is a true inspiration to us all.
What is your favorite Pilates exercise?
Planks are my favorite because they are the most difficult for me. I have worked hard to be able to plank and it seems it is a work in progress. It is so satisfying when one accomplishes that which seemed, at one time, an impossibility.
How long have you practiced Pilates and how did you first discover Pilates?
Fifteen years - although, I often feel that I am just at the beginning. I practiced mainly mat work two to three times a week at the gym. I remember when the gym brought in three reformers and one of the mat instructors asked if she could have gym members use them with her guidance. I attended one class and I was hooked! After the gym closed, I took private classes with the same instructor in her home for about a year, and saw and felt the benefits. She went back to work fulltime and changed careers - so, I lost my “footing” for a while – until now.
What initially drew you to Epiphany Pilates?
Mainly, the ambience and the owner’s personal story. I was actively looking for a small environment where I felt at ease – and a system that would allow me to focus on every part of my body.
One day, driving by, I saw the Epiphany Pilates sign. When I walked in and saw the reformers, the bright colors and the set up, I knew this was the place. Later, I was glad my intuition didn’t fail me when I realized that this studio is serious and mission driven.
How has Pilates changed your life?
I have enjoyed working out all of my life. During different stages, I have enjoyed cycling, yoga and now, Pilates and barre. I am hooked because Pilates offers me a more intense core workout and this helps me improve my balance; it also gives me flexibility and muscular strength. After a reformer class, I feel that I have stretched every part of my body and I have had to exercise my brain as well.
What do you enjoy most about being a part of the Epiphany Pilates community?
I love that it is a community of people driven by the same motivations that brought me here. You can see how everyone is committed to making Pilates a priority. I very much enjoy the positive energy of my fellow classmates. Another plus, the variety of people and age groups –no doubt, I have benefited from interactions with many of them.
What piece of advice would you give to someone who wants to try Pilates for the first time?
Do not despair – those little bulges around the waist will face execution soon as routines become easier with practice. Honor your body as you are getting in to it.
I still feel that I am not where I want to be but persistence does pay off.
My husband is amazed because he sees the strength improving in my core muscles that we all need to keep in shape as the clock keeps ticking.
Member Spotlight-
Meet our featured member Katie Campbell. Katie joined Epiphany Pilates in 2016; and, her beautiful smile and determined spirit quickly filled the studio with joy. We love her consistency and dedication to her mindful movement practice. Katie and her fabulous headstand is a true inspiration to us all.
What is your favorite exercise?
Picking a favorite exercise is not an easy task. If I had to pick one, though, it would be headstand. When I started taking yoga, I never thought I would reach a point where my abs were strong enough to hold me in the air without a wall around. After a year of consistently working on it, I moved further and further away from the wall. Now when I do a headstand, it is a reminder of what I can accomplish if I keep pushing myself a little bit every week.
How long have you practiced Pilates and how did you first discover Pilates?
I started taking Pilates classes in 2011; and, after switching gyms, I added in barre classes. I stumbled into Pilates because it was the one free class a week that fit into my schedule. I have enjoyed it and have been able to see the impact it has on my body.
What initially drew you to Epiphany Pilates?
I had been out of the workout rhythm for about a year when I decided if I could just find some good classes to take, then maybe I could get back into the swing of things. I was looking for a local gym with barre classes, which had small class sizes that would lead to greater attention and feedback from the instructors. I found Epiphany in Fall 2016, right around the corner from my house, and have been with them ever since.
How has Pilates changed your life?
The classes and the consistent practice have built muscles in my body that I had never seen before. When I first started and was asked to hold a plank, I laughed in my head and switched to my knees; now I don’t even think about it and push myself to longer deeper breaths so that I have to hold it longer. I have seen my strength and flexibility grow little by little, with every step making a difference. As I have seen the growth, I want to work out more and more. It is now just part of my weekly routine to come to my classes and I wouldn’t have it any other way. Other things in my life may get off schedule or feel out of control, but I still want to get my workouts in, no matter what.
What do you enjoy most about being a part of the Epiphany Pilates community?
I love the relationships that I have developed with both the instructors and my classmates. Those relationships helped build up my desire to come to classes. The instructors have learned my body and they know when I have given up versus when I have hit my body’s maximum. I want to see my classmates week after week and find out how they are doing and what is going on in their lives. As a whole, we are able to push and challenge each other to keep going.
What piece of advice would you give to someone who wants to try the studio for the first time?
Try everything! I just wanted to take barre classes and never thought yoga would be “my thing”. Now a week without yoga feels like something is missing. But, don’t try it just once; give each class a few tries and see how your body changes before you decide if it isn’t for you.
Member Spotlight -
Meet our featured member Ellen Seo. We first met Ellen at the City of Fairfax Fall Festival, where her beautiful spirit quickly infused our booth with joy. The next day, Ellen joined our Grand Opening celebration at our new Fairfax location and has become a consistent presence at the new studio day after day. We love how she embraces the challenge that each exercise presents and delves deep into the work. We were thrilled to interview Ellen and learn her secrets to success.
What is your favorite Pilates exercise?
There isn’t one that I can say is my favorite, because I enjoy doing all the exercises. With each exercise, I can feel different parts of my body working in a way that it hasn’t before. I feel that they are all beneficial.
How long have you practiced Pilates and how did you first discover Pilates?
I have been practicing Pilates for about two months now. I first discovered it while I was taking yoga classes, but I never got a chance to try Pilates.
What initially drew you to Epiphany Pilates?
I first saw their venue at the Fall Festival, and because I was already interested in Pilates, I stopped by the booth for more information. They were so helpful and everything they talked about drew me in, which inspired me to take my first class at the studio.
How has Pilates changed your life?
I used to take hot yoga classes, but I was very worried about my health and hygiene. As a dental assistant, I’m stuck standing all day or being in uncomfortable positions. I really wanted to ease up the consistent pain in my back and arms. Both my legs tend to swell up after a full day of work. I started going to Epiphany about 5 times a week; and, in about two weeks, my pain was slowly easing up! I feel a complete difference in my body, and it makes me feel so great about myself. I used to work at a chiropractor office, and I feel that I know my body more after doing Pilates.
What do you enjoy most about being a part of the Epiphany Pilates community?
The instructors are very friendly, and they are always open to helping you thoroughly, without any pressure. If you feel that you are having a little trouble, or falling behind, they come to help you and coach you along the way. They never rush any of their students, and they are very respectful. I love that the classes are limited to a certain number of clients, so the instructors can concentrate on each person. Every instructor has their own style, but their vibrant energy never lets anyone down. They are all amazing, and I am so glad to have worked with every one of them.
What piece of advice would you give to someone who wants to try Pilates for the first time?
Of course, anyone can try it at home and follow along, but without the right help and instructor, it can get pretty tricky. At first, it was not easy at all, but the more I went to the studio, the stronger my willpower to not give up became. Don’t be nervous because everyone’s body is different, but the instructors all find a way to make it work!
Member Spotlight
- Amy
Meet our featured member Amy Angel. Amy joined Epiphany Pilates in the early days, shortly after we first opened in 2014, and quickly became a supportive voice in our community. We love how she embraces both our commitment to mindful movement and honoring the body that you are in, at the moment. We were thrilled to interview Amy and learn her secret of success.
What is your favorite Pilates exercise?
I like the crazy, stretchy things which make Eurona sigh and say, "Only you Amy--More Internal Rotation!" However, what really [challenges me] are the ab and oblique isolating exercises. I whimper and complain through these, but later feel how much nicer I sit in my car and carry myself through life.
How long have you practiced Pilates and how did you first discover Pilates?
I'd been to a handful of pilates classes in the last ten years, and came to Epiphany Pilates in the Fall of 2014. My first love is yoga, but I need to be stronger. I'd been doing some CrossFit and badly hurt my quadrilateral muscle in my low back. I was looking for a way to strengthen my body without injury!
What initially drew you to Epiphany Pilates?
I was immediately drawn to Eurona and her personal story of transformation. I, too, have maintained a large weight loss. I appreciate being taught by an instructor who understands the limitations of a middle-aged body. I like that Eurona is content in her own body. I know what it takes to be so confident in a tank top. I'm still pretending that you don't see my 'bat wings' when I'm wearing short sleeves.
How has Pilates changed your life?
I feel stronger and more confident. I have increased awareness of how I move and hold my body on a daily basis. I travel regularly and can, without struggle or injury, put my suitcase into the overhead bin. Given the longevity of my family, I'm looking forward to the upcoming decades, knowing that I've got more muscle, balance and endurance than I did ten years ago.
I went to the doctor recently and was able to answer the questions about exercise without shame. I am currently a person who gets a really reasonable amount of exercise. [That’s a] big change for a fat kid who just didn't want to be associated with her body at all.
What do you enjoy most about being a part of the Epiphany Pilates community?
I have focused primarily on semi-private sessions [at Epiphany Pilates] with my husband, Jim, more than on group classes. The classes that I have managed to get to were super friendly and the group vibe was supportive. This is super important to those of us, like myself, who are still recovering from the trauma of PE classes when growing up. When Epiphany Pilates offers more daytime classes after the big move to the Fairfax location, I'm looking forward to adding a group class or two to my weekly routine.
What piece of advice would you give to someone who wants to try Pilates for the first time?
Just try it! Come for a month or so. The teachers are friendly, super-knowledgeable about safely getting stronger. Everyone is friendly and wants you to succeed. However, the real juicy change happens if you stick with it and make it a life change. Tiny changes add up!
Spotlight -
Katya and Nikola
Meet our featured members, an amazing couple, Katya and Nikola Mijatovic. We can't imagine the studio without both of them....their laughter is contagious and their commitment to the program is inspiring. We took a moment to chat with both Katya and Nikola about the secret of their success at the studio.
What is your favorite Pilates and/or barre exercise?
Katya: I love them all, but my top picks would be One Hundred, Roll Over, Jack Knife, Full Pike, Frog and Planks in all their variations. I love them because I couldn't do them without giving up half way through the exercise at the beginning. I thought they were unattainable; and, yet now, I'm doing them ... not without struggle, but nothing is without struggle in Pilates or barre. I hope my next favorite is going to be splits because I, currently, absolutely hate them and probably will never be able to do them fully; but, my goal is to at least get as close as 3 inches off the floor.
Nikola: Peter Pan, Leg Pull Back and Godzilla. After two decades of refereeing soccer, I've had quite a few injuries that were never treated properly, and those three magic exercises helped me get rid of constant pressure and pain in the ligaments and muscles in my legs. They did what none of the chiropractors or physical therapists were able to do over the course of several years.
How long have you practiced Pilates and/or barre? How did you first discover Pilates and/or barre?
Katya: I've been practicing Pilates and barre for 2 years now, and my first Pilates and barre class was here, at Epiphany Pilates. I was in search for a Pilates studio in the neighborhood for a long time and was excited to find this studio just a short walk away from our place. I think the studio had only been open for a few months at that time.
Nikola: I got this birthday present from Katya, a reformer duet session. I had no idea what it was, so I started with Pilates mat classes and then did the reformer session a few months down the road.
What initially drew you to Epiphany Pilates?
Katya: Definitely the location and the size of the studio. I don't own a car and being able to walk to the studio was a great plus. I also never liked big gyms and crowded classes. I immediately fell in love with the atmosphere and how the instructors treated their students. When the instructors know your name, your past injuries, your weaknesses and strengths, it adds a whole different level to your fitness education and training. It's just never going to be possible in a large gym-like environment.
Nikola: Not what, wife
How has Pilates and/or barre changed your life?
Katya: Body control and awareness. Knowing the difference between the burning sensation during practice and actual pain. I hated any kind of physical exercise and I grew up avoiding them at all costs. Doing Pilates and barre taught me how to make friends with the "good pain" or rather physical discomfort during the exercise and how not to inflict the "bad pain". I'm learning what it feels like to work every muscle in my body while learning their proper names (thanks to the "Pilates Nerds" who are teaching us ;)). Nikola jokes that he doesn't like being around me when I've missed a couple of days of my training; he says that Pilates makes me a happier person.
Nikola: I've learned how to exercise and not to injure myself. It is definitely more effective than sports medicine doctors and physical therapists put together in the long run. It makes me stronger without hurting my body.
What do you enjoy most about being a part of the Epiphany Pilates community?
Katya: I think that it's become a part of my everyday life and routine, like having a cup of coffee in the morning; it's a win-win, really. Instead of plopping on the couch after a day at work, I go and socialize with all these nice people, work out, feel great, get so tired that I don't have time or desire to stay up late and binge-watch Netflix. It's pretty much how I spend my free time other than sleeping and reading.
Nikola: I love the relaxed atmosphere, and the fact that the instructor tolerates my clumsy jokes. :) I'm happy to come to the studio after an entire day being serious and professional, and behave as if I was a teenager during a class.
What piece of advice would you give to someone who wants to try Pilates and/or barre for the first time?
Katya: Don't let the simplicity of some exercises fool you. If you don't feel it, it's probably because you are not doing it right...yet. After a while, when it does become easier, you'll learn many ways to make that same exercise harder for yourself. There is always something to sweat through. And, don't expect miraculous results with one or two classes per week in a couple of weeks. Whoever promises you that, never did Pilates. It takes consistency, repetition, and time. I do promise you that after about a month or so of consistent training of 3+ times a week, you will start seeing changes not only in the way your body looks, but also in how you eat, sleep and feel.
Nikola: Come give it a shot. You will not regret it. I did and I'm still here.
Member Spotlight - Manisha
Meet our featured member Manisha Singh. We can’t imagine the studio without her beautiful smile and unwavering dedication, which has inspired us to push ourselves to higher limits. We took a moment to chat with Manisha and to ask about the secret of her success both on the mat and at the barre.
What is your favorite class at Epiphany Pilates?
It’s quite difficult for me to choose one since I like all of the classes. But, if I have to choose, my favorite would be Pilates Mat I/II and BootyBarre Plus. I think both of them are intense and cover each muscle group, especially the Pilates Mat I/II classes which work the core. It helps me build strength in my body.
How long have you practiced Pilates and barre?
It’s been around 3 months since I have been doing Pilates and barre.
How did you first discover Pilates/barre?
One of my close friends recommended Pilates to me.
What initially drew you to Epiphany Pilates?
[The fact that it’s] closest to my home brought me here.
How has practicing Pilates and barre changed your life?
Each passing day, I have been building strength in my body, which was lacking before. Also, learning a new form of workout is exciting.
What do you enjoy most about being a part of the Epiphany Pilates community?
I think Epiphany Pilates is for everybody. [The fact that the studio] offers a range of class times and different types of classes is what I enjoy most.
What piece of advice would you give to someone who wants to try Pilates and barre for the first time?
It’s worth it! Just be patient – that is the key mantra.
Member Spotlight - Emma
Meet our very first featured member Emma Warin. We sat down with Emma, who has been so dedicated and consistent with her Pilates practice, for a brief interview and to ask about the secret of her success, both on the mat and while juggling work, kids, and regular studio time.
What is your favorite Pilates exercise?
My favorite Pilates exercise is Tower on the Cadillac. I like it because it is very challenging for me and I feel like I have accomplished something good when I do it.
How long have you practiced Pilates and how did you first discover Pilates?
I have been practicing Pilates on a regular basis for a little over a year with Epiphany Pilates, but had done some pre- and postnatal Pilates when I was pregnant with my first son, 7 years ago.
What initially drew you to Epiphany Pilates?
I was looking for a physical change from my constantly aching body and remembered that I liked doing prenatal Pilates years ago, and decided to call Eurona at Epiphany Pilates. When we spoke on the phone, Eurona made me feel like I was very welcome at Epiphany Pilates and [very] comfortable. When I did my first class, I noticed that Pilates was for regular people like me and there was no pretentious air at Epiphany.
How has Pilates changed your life?
Pilates has made a HUGE impact on my overall body strength! The majority of my aches and pains are gone. Before Pilates, I walked with a significant hunch in my neck and upper back, which caused me to have severe back spasms. Now, I stand much straighter and taller, and I feel much less pain in my back.
What do you enjoy most about being a part of the Epiphany Pilates community?
The Epiphany Pilates is a place where I can do something that is just for me. Between working full time and being a mother of 2 young boys, I rarely get time for myself. The Epiphany community is a warm welcoming place where people of all Pilates abilities can go to have time just for them.
What piece of advice would you give to someone who wants to try Pilates for the first time?
My advice for someone who is just trying Pilates for the first time would be – give it a serious try. Some of the exercises may seem almost impossible at first; but, if you stick with it and honor your body, it won’t be long before you are able to do things you never thought were possible. And, that is a wonderful feeling of accomplishment!